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ACT Preparation

For high school students making plans to attend college, the ACT is often the final piece to unlocking the door to higher education. It is unlike the typical test in several ways and may require student's to use a different set of skills to reach their desired score. We work to help students develop and / or refine these skills so the ACT is merely another box to check off their to-do list and not a source of fear and anxiety.           


The Subject Matter


We are constantly tracking changes made to the ACT to better assist clients in their preparation. Our Education Specialists take the exam before being paired with a student to ensure they have a fresh understanding of the ACT from a student's perspective. Only then can we work with each student individually to determine their strengths and weakness to establish a personalized study program that will maximize the student's scores. This program will consist of several components such as exam strategies, key concepts, and prioritization. These components are provided for each section of the ACT and not simply for the overall exam. Providing practice exams provides the Education Specialist with information to adapt the study program over time. This allows students to recognize their improvements and grow their self-confidence.    â€‹


Beyond the Books


Knowing the material is only part of the process. Many students do not perform to the best of their abilities because of the pressure they feel while taking the ACT. We make reducing stress and negative feelings about the ACT a priority so the student uses their energy toward recalling what they've learned and not fearing each question more than the last.


We also understand the power of motivation and positive reinforcement. We do not claim to eliminate anxiety. Instead, we work to transform it into motivation. We do not simply identify weaknesses. We use them to set reasonable goals that turn them into strengths and establish a pattern of achievement. Administering practice tests does more than provide us with information about the student's proficiency. It works to prepare the student for the actual exam environment so they no longer experience common stressors like time limits.  

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